Importance of The Stories of the Prophets ( عَلَیھِمُ السَّلاَم)
قَصَصُ الأنبِيَاء
The Stories of the Prophets ( عَلَیھِمُ السَّلاَم)
Why do we learn about the Stories of the Prophets( عَلَیھِمُ السَّلاَم)
- believing in ALL the Prophets of Islam is a pillar of Imaan (faith), starting from the first prophet Adam (A) to our final beloved messenger Muhammad (S). Hearing about their stories allows us to learn about them.
- the stories of the prophets were proof of the message that Prophet Muhammad (S) brought and affirms the miracle of the Quran; how amazing that an illiterate man was given knowledge of the past through divine revelation.
- Learning about the past nations and the message their prophets (A) brought to them strengthened the faith of the believers. All the prior prophets informed their people of the same message of Tawheed and the coming of Prophet Muhammad (S) as the last prophet of Allah (SWT). Prophet Muhammad (S) was the final messenger sent down as a continuation of the same true message sent down throughout the ages by Allah SWT
- - the prophets (A) were human beings just like us. Their stories are examples of how one should live their life and keep steadfast in their faith in the face of extraordinary challenges in life. Through their examples, we can learn how to live as strong, honourable, and confident Muslims.